December 31, 2024

How MDS Scores Can Help SNFs Boost PDPM Rates

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December 31, 2024
5 min read
Psychologists comfort patients at a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNFs) while discussing the benefits of Patient-Driven Payment Models (PDPM)
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Boost PDPM Rates

Identifying residents’ cognitive status on the Minimum Data Set (MDS) can help increase the Medicare Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) rates for your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF).

The PDPM is the Medicare payment rule that calls for improved payment accuracy and focuses on residents’ individual needs, characteristics, and goals to promote a more patient-driven care model.

BIMS Screening May Increase PDPM Rates

For example, a resident with cognitive impairment will require more resources. The Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) assesses the resident’s cognitive status. Low scores suggest cognitive impairment and potential conditions that may need to be diagnosed by a psychologist, such as dementia. Understanding a resident’s cognitive status is crucial to determining the care plan, as well as the revenue needed to provide the appropriate care for that resident. By screening residents using the BIMS, facilities can boost PDPM rates for SNF by identifying the specific treatments needed for each resident.

Within the MDS, section GG calculates a resident’s capacity for self-care and mobility performance. Completing the BIMS can help better fulfill section GG and determine the overall status of residents which can also be referenced when determining costs for that resident and their treatment.

Ultimately, getting residents screened and tested through BIMS scores can greatly help both your residents and your facility. Identifying the BIMS scores of your residents allows your facility to appropriately provide them with the assistance they need. Additionally, it can lower the administrative burden and increase payments from residents’ insurance.

Learn How MDS Can Help Your SNF

Contact us today to learn how MDS scores can help increase PDPM rates for SNF. By using tools like the BIMS to assess residents' cognitive status, your facility can enhance care plans, improve reimbursements, and optimize financial outcomes.